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Regular price Rs. 2,199.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 2,199.00
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In the melodic drapes of the Shruti saree, you discover a symphony of rhythm and harmony woven into every thread. Each fold resonates with the echoes of ancient chants and sacred hymns, carrying the melodies of the universe within its embrace. Adorned in the Shruti saree, you become a vessel of divine inspiration, channeling the power of music and sound into every aspect of your being. With every movement, you dance to the rhythm of creation, harmonizing with the cosmic vibrations that surround you. In the Shruti saree, you find not just clothing, but a gateway to transcendence and spiritual enlightenment, a reminder that the universe sings its songs of beauty and truth for those who listen.

Rock the bold look with our Shivanshi Yellow Saree! Made with high-quality yellow fabric, this saree is perfect for any occasion. Be the sunshine in a sea of dull colors with our vibrant saree. You'll stand out in the crowd with this pop of color.

Disclaimer: Pictures from internet. Kindly connect on social media for credits/removal.

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